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  • Writer's pictureDavid Stamation

You’re Not Alone

The stigma surrounding Executive Life Coaching often boils down to a single notion: the belief that there's something inherently wrong with us. It's a sentiment I've observed time and again, whether in our Inner Legacy group seminars, my Men's Group discussions, or my private coaching sessions. Early on in these programs, almost every participant experiences a moment of realization, often accompanied by a sense of physical relief, as they come to the understanding: I'm not the only one who struggles with this!

Alternatively, there are those among us who read self-help books on the side, believing that if we consume enough of them, we'll eventually catch up or become better individuals.

Once we overcome that initial hurdle, we embark on the energizing journey of self-discovery – knowing ourselves. As a coach, it's a privilege to witness people get “turned on” to the path of inner peace, a settling of the mind – a mind not wracked by personal doubt or self-judgement.

Whether your inner voice says, "I'm not smart enough," or insists, "I need to work harder," or dictates, "I have to say 'yes' to every request," or declares, "I'm an angry person, and it's just going to be that way," or echoes, "I could never have that," or protests, "I don't deserve it," or laments, "I'm a push-over," or warns, "I better not shine too brightly," or whatever any other persistent inner voice may be saying to you, know that there is nothing inherently wrong with you. We all grapple with different variations of a similar affliction.

That's how coaching begins with me—by affirming that there's nothing inherently wrong with you. Where would you like to begin?


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