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  • Writer's pictureDavid Stamation

The Fast Track to Increasing Revenues – Delegation

Despite its importance, many individuals, particularly executives, find delegation challenging due to recurring issues of trust and control.

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When exploring why executives struggle to delegate to their fullest, a common refrain I hear is, "To do it right, I have to do it myself," or "I don’t have time to explain it, so I’ll do it." These explanations, however, are what I refer to as "bypasses"—they serve as rationalizations to justify maintaining the status quo and avoiding delegation altogether.

What’s Under the Bypass?

Digging deeper, many executives I work with resist delegation because of a lack of trust in others or a strong need to maintain control. These tendencies often stem from underlying fears or fear-based responses, such as not wanting to fail, imposter syndrome, or wanting things to be perfect.

I find the most effective approach to addressing their fear is to encourage clients to apply their insights or awareness directly in their daily lives. For instance, an executive could seek out a low-risk scenario or small task that they can delegate. This practical application or stretch* helps bridge the gap between understanding fear intellectually and addressing it in real-world situations.

It could involve something as simple as skipping a regular meeting and having a subordinate report back at the end of the week. Alternatively, it might entail delegating routine paperwork to an assistant, then reviewing and signing off on it later. These small steps gradually build confidence and help executives overcome their fear of relinquishing control.

Takeaway & Benefits

The key takeaway is to identify small, incremental actions that allow you to test your trust and control gradually. Incremental coaching provides tangible proof points that reassure you, "Hey, things didn't blow up without me there," reinforcing your ability to delegate effectively.

The benefits and results are evident in a more organized schedule and, notably, a calmer mind, unburdened by overwhelming tasks. Clients often find themselves more engaged in meetings and emotionally available for their families.


I find immense satisfaction in coaching for the "gold" moments—those significant breakthroughs. When an executive successfully delegates, it liberates their mind to focus on their core responsibilities: problem-solving and business growth, ultimately increasing profitability and revenue generation. Dreaming up new ways to make money for the company.

Take the Delegation Quiz.

Tired of being told to delegate? Schedule a consultation with me and we’ll map out a game plan.

* The "stretch" is a practical application of newfound awareness in real-world scenarios. Often designed at the end of a session, it serves as a confidence-building exercise to be practiced throughout the week.


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